Contribute Subtitles and Closed Captions to YouTube Vidoes

Contribute subtitles and closed captions to YouTube Channels


Some channels let you contribute subtitles and closed captions to their videos. They’re viewable on the video by clicking on the [CC] icon in the player. Approved content is owned by the video owner.
Read more on YT Support

Video Owners:

  • Go to Video Manager
  • Click Edit Video
  • Subtitles And CC Tab
  • Turn ‘Allow Community Contributions’ on

I’m told you get to review them. If anyone allows this on a video, let me know and we’ll try it out.

Captioning Vendors

The DCMP has a list of vendors that they certify for quality captioning at

These are vendors that you can trust to provide quality professional captioning services.

CCAC provides a list of people offering free services

Feel free to comment on any captioning services that you’ve used, or resources for a compiled list of captioning vendors.