By Request: SuperNanny-Deaf Guests Preview Captioned

Preview of SuperNanny Episode featuring Deaf Parents with hearing kids, October 10

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more about "SuperNanny-Deaf Preview Captioned", posted with vodpod

UPDATE: QueenAlpo has kind of a play by play commentary on the show.

13 thoughts on “By Request: SuperNanny-Deaf Guests Preview Captioned

  1. Thanks for captioning this, Bill. You’ve contributed so much to our Deaf Community with all the captioning you provided in the trailers.

    I definitely look forward to watch this program! 😀


  2. About time someone like the Nanny mentioned AMERICAN SIGN LANGUAGE over and over again. Pah! Watching it in half ‘n hour. Thanks.


  3. I watched and enjoyed that show but thats awful that mother depend on Melissa to do anything for her parents is not right! also you dont pay attention to your childrens needs too that your children need you as parents not important on tv or videophone or friends! Kids come first than Friends or Vaction too! I had been through but my 4 children grow up good! Keep fight and control your children if possible! I see that you get better on control on your children! Keep up good work! God bless you also Thanks for sharing with us!


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